Diagnosis Adapter for 112 pin
MOLEX CMC connectors


Diagnosis Adapter

The Diagnosis Adapter for MOLEX CMC connectors is a flexible, powerful device for performing measurement, control, monitoring or diagnosis tasks of devices that are built with MOLEX CMC 112 pin connectors. Each connection of the CMC connector is available on the Diagnosis Adapter. It can be opened or closed by applying a sliding switch. Two connection points on both sides of the related sliding switch can be accessed over terminal connectors for a wide range of diagnosis and control tasks.



The diagnosis adapter comes with rich features covering typical diagnosis tasks and situations in field service an commissioning.



Robust Harness

Each diagnosis adapter includes a flexible, robust harness. Tailor your diagnostic processes with our supplementary measurement tools. The sleeving braid will also prevent from scraping, chafing and contact damage to painted or other fragile surfaces. It is resistant to chemicals, UV damage and rot, and is suitable for continuous outdoor use under all weather conditions.
The wiring harness is made of single-core, hot deformation resistant auto-motive cable with reduced wall-thickness with 0.5 mm² and 1.0 mm² nom cross section.


Equipment and KITs

The diagnosis adapter is available as KIT including the diagnosis adapter, harnesses, a complete set of terminal connectors, a mounting strap and test leads.

The KIT is delivered in a rugged transport case.

Flyer MOLEX 112 pin Diagnosis Adapter

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